FRCEM Final OSCE Exam Information

The FRCEM Final OSCE Exam is a crucial step for candidates aiming to achieve Fellowship of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (FRCEM). This exam is designed to test a wide range of clinical and communication skills in realistic scenarios, ensuring candidates are well-equipped for senior roles in Emergency Medicine.

FRCEM OSCE Exam Format and Curriculum

How the exam is conducted

The FRCEM Final OSCE consists of 16 eight-minute stations, with an additional one minute of reading time between stations. The exam also includes two rest stations. Each station is mapped to specific Specialty Learning Outcomes (SLOs) from the RCEM curriculum. Candidates may encounter a variety of scenarios, such as managing complex patients, supervising and teaching, performing resuscitation, and handling injured or paediatric patients.

FRCEM OSCE stations

Below is a breakdown of the stations and their corresponding SLOs:

Station Specialty Learning Outcome (SLO)
1-3 Complex stable patient (SLO1)
4-5 EPIC (SLO7/8)
6 Supervision and teaching (SLO9)
7-9 Resuscitation (SLO3)
12 Paediatric Emergency Medicine (SLO5)
13-14 Management (SLO12)
15-16 Management or Research (SLO12/SLO10)

FRCEM OSCE blueprint (domains assessed)

The exam assesses candidates across the following key domains:

A Clinical reasoning/ decision making
B Communication skills (incl. conflict)
C History taking/ information gathering
D Clinical examination skills
E Practical/ pinnacle skills
F Teaching skills
G Organisation/ prioritisation
H Leadership and management

FRCEM OSCE Exam Fees, Dates, and Locations

FRCEM OSCE Exam Dates 2025

The FRCEM OSCE exam is only conducted in London. Upcoming exam dates for 2025 are as follows:

Exam Date Centres Application Window Results Date Preparation Courses & Online Resources
7 – 22 May 2025 London  5 – 12 February 2025 8 July 2025 2-day in-person FRCEM Final OSCE Course: 2 – 3 April, 8 – 9 April, 25 – 26 April, 28 – 29 April, 1 – 2 May 2025

1-day online FRCEM Final OSCE Course: 22 April 2025

FRCEM OSCE Mock Exam: 7 May 2025

FRCEM Final OSCE Videos

4 – 20 November 2025 London  6 – 13 August 2025 14 January 2026 FRCEM Final OSCE Videos

FRCEM OSCE Exam Fee 2025

The fee depends on your RCEM membership status (member or non-member).

Membership Category Exam Fee 2025
Member £566
Non-member £659

For more details, you can read further here.

FRCEM Final OSCE Exam Application

Eligibility criteria for the FRCEM OSCE

To sit for the FRCEM OSCE exam, candidates must meet specific eligibility criteria:

  • Hold a medical qualification approved by the GMC for the purposes of registration
  • Hold the MRCEM (Membership of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine) qualification after August 2012 or the FRCEM Intermediate Certificate. Candidates with MRCEM before August 2012 will need to provide additional evidence of eligibility by emailing their CV and record of their latest appraisal to
  • For UK or Irish trainees, candidates must have completed at least 12 months of training in Emergency Medicine at ST4/ST5 level or equivalent.
  • Non-trainees must have six years of post-qualification training, including four years in Emergency Medicine and at least one year at a level above ST3/SHO.

Candidates may sit for the FRCEM OSCE and FRCEM SBA (Single Best Answer) exams in any order, provided they meet the eligibility requirements.

Oversubscription Criteria

Since places for the FRCEM OSCE are limited, the exam uses an oversubscription policy to allocate seats. Priority is given to:

  1. Candidates in approved ST6 UK training posts.
  2. Candidates in Year 7 of an approved Irish training programme.
  3. Candidates with an employment contract in the NHS.
  4. Candidates who were not allocated a place in the most recent sitting.

All other applicants will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis.

How to apply

Candidates must apply for the exam online during the designated application window, which opens at 10 AM on the published date and closes at 4 PM (UK time) on the closing date. Late applications are not accepted. For detailed application instructions, candidates should refer to the Applications page on the RCEM website.


How is the exam marked?

The FRCEM OSCE is marked using a Domain Based Marking. The cut score for this exam is determined using the borderline regression method, plus one Standard Error Measurement is added to create the pass mark. To pass the exam, candidates must not only achieve the overall pass mark but also pass at least one resuscitation station.

When will you receive the results?

Results will be published on a pre-advised day by 17:00, approximately five weeks after the date of the examination, and will be available via the candidate’s College website account. The results will not be disclosed over the phone or via email.

How many attempts are allowed?

Candidates are allowed a maximum of four attempts at each component of the FRCEM exam, including the OSCE and SBA. In exceptional cases, additional attempts may be granted at the discretion of the Dean. For candidates diagnosed late with neurodiverse conditions (e.g., dyslexia, ADD), an application can be made to expunge previous unsuccessful attempts under certain conditions.
Since August 2016, candidates must pass the FRCEM OSCE within seven calendar years of passing the FRCEM SBA (or FRCEM Final SAQ). If they fail to complete the OSCE within this timeframe, they will be required to retake the FRCEM SBA, provided they have at least one attempt remaining. Candidates who have already used all four attempts at the SBA are generally not allowed to resit the exam.

For further details on the exam, check out this FRCEM Regulations & Information pack.

FRCEM OSCE Exam Preparation

Bromley Emergency Courses have been teaching RCEM courses for 20 years.  Currently, we offer the following options for candidates preparing for the FRCEM OSCE exam:

  • In-person FRCEM OSCE course: A two-day course featuring around 40 different OSCE stations with real-time feedback from faculty members.
  • Online FRCEM OSCE course: A one-day interactive course covering around 20 stations focused on communication, teaching and management skills.
  • FRCEM OSCE videos: Candidates booking either in-person or online course receive six months of free access to our FRCEM OSCE videos that showcase correct approaches to different OSCE stations. Access is also available separately through a monthly subscription.

Watch a preview of a Conduct and Capability station from our Online Resources

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