MRCEM OSCE Exam Preparation Courses & Videos
The MRCEM OSCE is a demanding exam that covers a lot of different scenarios and has a particular evaluation style, which can be difficult to master. On our courses you have the opportunity to practice completing MRCEM OSCE stations before you arrive at your exam. This means you will already have an idea of what to expect in a station, how to deal with the objective of a station and where you are likely to pick up marks. You will have the chance to identify the areas where you need the most development and those where you already excel.
We offer interactive in-person and online MRCEM OSCE courses that give you the opportunity to practice taking OSCE stations under exam-like conditions. We also have a range of pre-recorded model OSCE videos that will help you understand how to perform in any station. Scroll down to find out more.
20 years of teaching EM and PoCUS courses
19 000 clinicians have taken our courses
4.9 out of 5 is our average Google review score
Choose the MRCEM OSCE Exam Preparation Practice Tailored to Your Needs
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Course/Criteria | In-person MRCEM OSCE course | Online MRCEM OSCE course | In-person MRCEM OSCE mock exam |
Duration | 2 days | 1 day | 3 hours |
Total number of stations | 40-50 | 16-20 | 18 (incl. 2 rest stations) |
Group size | 4-5 | 3-4 | Individual practice |
Practice with professional actors | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Personal faculty feedback | Yes | Yes | No |
Types of OSCE stations covered | All types of stations that included in the exam | Communication, History taking, Management | All types of stations that included in the exam |
Resuscitation stations | Yes | No | Yes |
Free 6-month access to pre-recorded MRCEM OSCE videos | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Cost | £695 | £295 | £295 |
Next dates | 12th – 13th May 2025 14th – 15th May 2025 | 27th May 2025 | 30th May 2025 |
Times | 09:00 – 17:30 | 09:00 – 17:00 | 13:30 – 16:30 |
Location | Terracotta Court, 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN | Online via Zoom | Terracotta Court, 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN |
Where can I find more information? | Find out more | Find out more | Find out more |
Where to book? | Book Your Place | Book Your Place | Book Your Place |
Find out more about each MRCEM OSCE course format
In-Person MRCEM OSCE Course
Our two-day in-person MRCEM OSCE course is designed to mimic the real OSCE exam and give candidates the opportunity to apply their clinical knowledge and skills in exam-like scenarios. The objective is to give you the practice that you will need to prepare for the real exam so that you can feel confident in your skills and your ability to pass the exam.
You will encounter a wide range of scenarios (40 to 50) commonly seen in the exam: managing a trauma team, resuscitating a child, teaching a procedure, dealing with conflict, and much more.
Throughout the day, you will sometimes lead the stations and at other times observe and learn from others taking the lead. In each station where you take the lead you will have 1 minute to read the scenario and then 8 minutes to complete the station.
You will then have an opportunity to discuss how you did with our faculty and actors, so you can learn about your strengths and weaknesses in each station.
BONUS! When you book our 2-day in-person MRCEM OSCE course, you’ll receive free access to our pre-recorded MRCEM OSCE videos for 6 months.
Next Course Dates:
12th – 13th May 2025
14th – 15th May 2025
Times: 9:00 – 17:30
Venue: Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Online MRCEM OSCE Course
On this course, you will practice the stations in real-time with professional actors and receive feedback from our experienced faculty. You will be given 1 minute to read the scenario and then you will have 8 minutes to complete the station.
As this course will be conducted online, the focus will be on OSCEs with a high proportion of communication, history taking, teaching, and related skills (16 to 20 OSCEs). There won’t be any resuscitation or procedure OSCEs, although we will discuss how to handle these stations.
In the course you will be part of a group of three or four candidates who will take it in turns to lead on each OSCE. When it’s your turn to lead, you will communicate directly with an actor to manage the station, when other members of your group are leading you will watch as they manage their stations.
The course will be held over Zoom and is a perfect option for those unable to travel but would like practice with communication skills, history taking and more.
BONUS! When you book our 1-day online MRCEM OSCE course, you’ll receive free access to our pre-recorded MRCEM OSCE videos for 6 months.
Next Course Dates:
27th May 2025
Time: 09:00 – 17:00
Location: Online via Zoom
In-person MRCEM OSCE Mock Exam
Do you want to test yourself out, managing a full rotation under exam conditions? This full mock MRCEM OSCE exam is designed to simulate the real test environment. In this in-person session, with 16 OSCE stations and two rest stations, just like the actual exam, you will need to manage a wide variety of OSCE scenarios, from history taking to resuscitation to paediatrics to psychiatry and more. You will need to rapidly reset as you move to the next station to read the candidate instructions and give the next station your full attention.
The rotation lasts just under three hours. You will have 1 minute to read each scenario, followed by 8 minutes to complete the station. Candidates will interact with professional actors who regularly assist on our OSCE courses, ensuring high realism in clinical scenarios. However, unlike our standard OSCE courses, this mock exam is focused solely on practicing stations, and there will be no faculty feedback after each station. However you will receive summary sheets at the end of the rotation describing what we were looking for in each of the 16 stations and providing actors’ feedback on communication aspects.
BONUS! When you book our MRCEM OSCE mock exam, you’ll receive free access to our pre-recorded MRCEM OSCE videos for 6 months.
30th May 2025
Time: 13:30 – 16:30
Venue: Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Pre-recorded MRCEM OSCE Videos
Our MRCEM OSCE video package includes pre-recorded OSCE stations that you can watch at any time. There is no participation here and the videos are designed to demonstrate how to approach any station you might encounter in the real exam.
You will get access to OSCE videos covering:
SLO 1: Complex Stable Patient
SLO 2: Answer Questions
SLO 3: Resuscitation
SLO 4: Injured Patient
SLO 6: Procedural Skills
SLO 7: Complex Challenging Situations
SLO 9: Supervise and Teach
These are great as preparation for the in-person or online course, or as a refresher before taking your exam.
If you book our in-person or online MRCEM OSCE course, you’ll receive free 6-month access to these videos.
Watch a preview of a video from our MRCEM OSCE video package
Cost: £24.95 per month (automatically renews every month, can be cancelled at any time)
If you have already subscribed to our online resources, please log in to your account.
What Doctors Are Saying about Our MRCEM OSCE Courses
Bromley’s course is meticulously designed with a clear focus on exam preparation. From the outset, it’s evident that every aspect of the training is tailored towards equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their OSCEs.
Dr M. H. Chirantha Jeewan De Silva, Online MRCEM OSCE Course, 21st May 2024